The diary of a young businesswoman

businesswoman, ladyfur

False investors or rather the misadventures of a young entrepreneur.

I have decided to tell you about my experiences in the business world because I think they can also be useful to you.

I will start by telling you about my latest adventure. It could seem negative but it is not, in fact it was a real learning experience.

Last year I made my first fur collection, purely by my own efforts, without the help of any investors. (It was quite tiring…I finished paying it yesterday)

When my first orders arrived I realised that to proces them I needed investment.

So I decided to make a business plan to develop the brand for the next three years. After a young search I found two potential “investors”.

Between the two, naturally, I chose the wrong one.

I confided in a group of professionals ( accountants ) who said they had the funds to invest in my project. They had, in fact, just acquired a fur laboratory and an e-commerce. My brand, that had already been registered and launched on the market with their laboratory and e-commerce, seemed to be the missing piece for a project full of synergy.

I would have developed fur samples in the laboratory acquired by them and so I would have become competitive on the market having my own laboratory to make up the fur the price of my pieces would have certainly been lower compared to brands that have to develop their collections in rented premises.

I would have sold part of the collection on this luxury online shop that would then have been linked to my blog.

We faced the first never-ending meetings in June. In August we should have signed the licence contract. Unfortunately though, a few days before the signing of the contract I had the suspicion that things were not going in the right direction, or rather that the investors had not found the funds.

In fact, on 30 September our collaboartion ended because, just as I had sensed, the investors had not been able to find the funds, the banks turned down their project and the outside investors didn’t give any answer.

In theory investors should  have the funds or the ceratinty of the bank’s support, before starting any venture, so they ARE NEITHER  INVESTORS…because they have nothing to invest, NOR entrepreneurs because they lack the courage to risk.

The collection had already been drawn, the search for materials done, communication and sales strategies already planned…

In the next post I will tell you what I did =)

Miao Miao

Lady Fur

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