Fur lined parka

lady fur parka hood fox

Fur lined parka photos of Lady Fur and tips about how to wear it

Today is the 5th of November: On precisely the same day a year ago I took these photos with a fur-lined parka of a German brand for which I also did the video with Davide Miciulla, do you remember?

I thought about publishing the photos with the fur-lined parka because I was sad to leave them all alone in a file on my mac. I have to admit that I don’t love publishing old photos because my image is continuously changing and the I DON?T LIKE the face I see – mine – in these photos. Oh my goodness how different I was, to say the least (I am a bit self-critical).

fur-hooded-parka-2 Fur lined parka
Lady Fur wearing luxury bag Giancarlo Petriglia and Weloveparka

I am looking for a fur-lined parka

I am looking for a fur-lined parka, I have searched and I have found these that you see below, I don’t like them very much, they are not my style any more. They look like the ones from a few years ago. Any advice?

I would like the fur-lined parka I am looking for to be with a very very big sable hood (full of fur not rejects ) with black chinchilla inside, whole skins furs (not boards). Let me make myself clear: I am looking for a “luxury fur parka”. If you know someone who tailor makes parka coats or brands that propose luxury fur-lined parkas write to me.

There is a VERY, VERY, but VERY cool German site, specialized in luxury and non-parkas: basically, you can personalize the parka as you like with top or middle-quality fur skins in several colours.

The fur-lined parka in sable is not being produced yet but I am waiting.

Lady Fur’s favourite fur-lined parka coats (they still have to invent hers )

Here is the list of two top favourite fur-lined parkas selected from my team for autumn and winter  2015/16 found by Lady Fur, next week I will create a post in SHOPPING section about where to buy parka, the best selection of 2015/16 years of parka coats,  how to wear it and some cool tips.

The fur-lined parka  remains in my list of the top jackets to wear all winter for some reasons that I will explain now (briefly seeing that I have said that my posts are too long)

If I go out in my pyjamas early in the morning or late at night and I don’t want anyone to notice that under the fur-lined parka coat I am wearing one of my embarrassing pyjamas or a super sexy dressing down, well it is the perfect jacket, the parka is long enough to hide everything.

I suffer the cold: the Fur-lined parka keeps you very warm (if you use the ones that I use that have fur inside, it’s like having two jackets) then if you feel the cold like I do, you can also wear two wool or better still cachemire jumpers, in any case, the parka, that?

This is the best reason I can give you: I am a hysterical crazy woman with mood swings that go from delighted to really pissed, (at least I admit it ) I break cell phones, computers, I lose my keys break bags, glasses, I throw everything on the floor (except furs). The Parka is indestructible. It has resisted all my hysterics and ultra stressful trips. If you buy the parka it is a good investment. Because if the fur-lined parka has survived my ways and all the journeys I did last year (Copenhagen, New York, London, Milan, Paris, Peking, Shanghai): I used it as a cover in the hospital when I ended up there in December in Helsinki, I sed it as an umbrella during a blizzard of hail and snow or as a cushion and cover in the airport etc.. and today I can wear it like new believe me it really is indestructible.

fur-hooded-parka-3 Fur lined parka

The pockets of the Parka are giant. Pockets are fundamental for me. When jackets don’t have them I put my own inside. I put everything Inside the pocket of the fur-lined parka: cell phone, 2nd cell phone, sweets, various chocolates, calming drops, money, coins, makeup, earphones, mini iPad everything….

Obviously, you need to buy a quality parka: mine is from  Weloveparka, a site for only parkas that allows you to personalize it.

The words “fur-lined parka” should sound familiar because two years ago I did the first post with the parka of Mrs&Ms Furs with pink fur, then I did the second one in Copenhagen with the parka of Weloveparka and the video.

Which parka will I wear this year? A personalized parka with the sable and chinchilla? Which?

Don’t miss the post of tomorrow about Mocassini and the post of next week about WHERE TO BUY PARKA, THE FUR LINED PARKA OF THE YEAR.


Fur lined parka

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