Fur with hood: without it what a fur is it?

fur with hood sable coat

Fur with hood. For Russian women it is a fixation slash obsession.

Fur with hood just how my Russian friends like it! I am certain that this post will be really appreciated. Every time I share a fur on Instagram or on my blog I get comments from Russian or Swiss followers like these:

  1. Why don’t you ever post furs with hoods? Why without hoods? 
  2. Where can I buy the fur you are wearing but with a hood? 
  3. Ciao Lady Fur, do you know if it is possible to have a hood put on that fur? 
  4. When will you publish furs with hoods? 

A fur with a wide and hairy hood makes the Russian market go crazy.  

For Russians if a fur doesn’t have a hood it’s not a fur. The wider the better.

Fur with hood: I will tell you one of my stories in the world of fur

Many years ago I was a sales assistant in a furrier in Monte Carlo. The Russians that entered the shop went straight for the furs with hoods. It was like there were no other furs in their eyes.

So we decided to create patterns of different hoods to match with the furs that were without. The Russian clients went crazy for the “imaginary hood and in the end bought the fur and had the hood made according to their taste.

The hood went from large to extra large and full of hairs. They matched mink with rabbit or fox. They almost spent more on the hood than on the fur.

The idea seemed genius at first. Pity that then the fight between the client and the shop manager then started over price!

Fur with hood photos

The fur that I am wearing in the photo is a blue dyed sable by Giorgio Magnani. The photos were taken before my departure for Doha and Monte Carlo.

Ekaterina the Russian photographer that has been following me for a few days went around Milan Christmas shopping with me.

We ended up in a vey famous lamp shop here in Milan in Via Del Senato. We fell so deeply in love with the atmosphere of the shop, the antique lamps, the particular colors there were there that we thought of taking some photos there as well as around the city that was made romantic by the Christmas lights.

If you are looking for sable furs like this or similar I suggest you look on the site of Giorgio Magnani, the look book and if you find anything interesting you can contact them by phone or send an email. They will answer you immediately. In San Marino Giorgio Magnani has a huge showroom, full of beautiful furs. If you have time I recommend you visit it.


A reflection on the furs you find online

Sable furs like the one I am wearing are very beautiful and also expensive. Buying online without trying them on and touching them with your hands is not really a good idea… It’s one thing to see a fur in an online shop on my blog, worn by me, (tested by me) where I assure you that it is quality and is worth the price it costs. Another thing completely is finding a fur in an online shop maybe by an unknown brand and not have any guarantee that the photo corresponds to reality.

Thanks from the heart to all my followers,  fur lovers like me.

My blog is positioning itself really well. I receive more and more emails where you show me the furs you find on the web, you send me photos directly from shops with the garments that you would like to wear asking for advice or about furs that you inherit. There is no better gift. I love receiving your mail and advising you. details of light shop milan fur with hood

How do you wear the long sable fur with hood?

  • I wore it just twice. The first was as you saw in the photos with the chenille skirt by Mes Demoiselle Paris the fur slippers by Gucci and an antique pink coloured 100% silk blouse and with cashmere gilet, also pink, by Brooks&Brothers.
  • On the second outing I matched it with a Nike tracksuit and blue shoes like the fur.
  • I will wear it again for a dinner with the director of a Milan fashion magazine that I will work with and in that case I will match it with the lace dress you see below.

I love this fur with hood. And you, what do you think?


fur with hood wore by lady fur
Lady Fur walking in Milano Sempione Area

Photos Ekaterina Igantova

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1 Comment

  • ciao Samantha lo sai già io amo le pellicce alla follia come te pero io amo anche i peli naturali non mi piacciono molto le pellicce colorate

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