Yes to Dialogue, No to violence

On May 22nd I have shared a  very important post not just for me but also for the fur-working community called: “Ignorance” where I debunked the main myths of the fur sector. For those who have not read it yet please click here 

The post has raised a real fuss.

I got more than 340 mail and comments that I haven’t shared yet because I prefer to answer to you one by one so it is possible to have a dialogue.

These mails contain very  interesting questions and concepts.

There are many people that, thanks to the post that I have shared, have begun asking questions and they are changing idea about our sector, but they would like to have more information…This is why I have decided that, once a week, I will publish a post about this important topic with all sources and datas.

Although I have certified the origin of the information I was attacked (in a violent way) and accused of having lied.

I got many e-mails with threats of violence and even death by people who pretend to be animal rights activists.

No matter these e-mails I also got support from companies, fronte my beloved followers, associations, and flocks, with amazement, I have found to be my visitors.

I have a blog where it is allowed to comment, but it’s not allowed to break the law.

My intent is to share the right informations about fur sector, and I don’t pretend that other people change their opinion.

I’m open to the dialogue and change of ideas but not to violence.

For the moment you can find under the label THE TRUTH my previous post about  this topic.

Stay tuned because tomorrow I will post   one of the e-mails I’ve recived.

Miao Miao

Lady Fur


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  • Excellent, it's amazing that you really want that people understand the meaning of the word fur and no just releated it with pain, suffer or violence, outstanding work Samantha!! Love x

  • I fully agree about the oustanding work Samantha does, dialogue you can only have with people with re ason not with smoeone who wants to use violence against you, these socalled animal rights people have no bother staging propaganda viedos on utupe, and as an animal as well as a fur lover, i find them distastful to say the  least.

  • hello samantha,


    i support you because fur is the one and only real ecologic winter wear.

    for oil a lot of US GI's died, they died also for the freedom of speech (this is what al the anti here do not respect)

    I am a passionate hunter, and I think the silly comments here arose from people who are far way from life and nature.


    Kisses hugs and regards


  • I have to applaud you for bringing a youthful and easily accessible look to fur fashion. It gives me hope for fashion as I feel that many younger 20,30 somethings in the US aren't entirely too into fur coats as fashionable. 

    Keep up the awesome job.

  • You are right to publish your arguments. I continually engage the opponents of the fur trade here in Belgium. Through the company e-mail, on facebook, in public debates and in the media. It's amazing, even shocking, to what arguments we need to answer sometimes. People are not informed at all about the reality of the fur trade and chose to ignore the way animals are treated for their meat. Whenever I tell anyone how chickens are raised, everyone is surprised. But they never take action, nor stop eating chicken. Because it's so easy, convenient, cheap and mostly done in private.

  • thank you, Lady Fur! I totally agree with you! Too many lies against fur, too many people are accusing the fur industry with false myths and without any real knowledge of the laws that regulate the fur industry.

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