MEGA NFC medical a powerful luxury supplement

MEGA NFC medical: the supplement that has improved the quality of my life.

Recently I have discovered a supplement called MEGA NFC medical. Google it it’s really powerful.

I don’t love supplements. I don’t even take the classic “magnesium + potassium” because it immediately irritates my stomach (having Crohn’s disease)

A few months ago a friend of my mother’s, Jana, one of the most elegant and sylish women on the planet had me try what I call THE LUXURY DETOX SUPPLEMENT.

I can list the benefits I have obtained:

  • The inflamation of my abdomen improved notably in less than three days (never happened before)
  • Feeling positive and psychologically balanced also in stressful sitauations.
  • I can sleep better
  • I have got my period back after 11 months of not having one.
  • My physical performance has improved by 50% ( from the first sachet ).
  • My level of concentration  has been affected positively: I can easily work until three in the morning.
  • I am not nervously or suddenly hungry.
  • I feel more beautiful also because my skin problems have nearly completely disappeared.
  • I have no stomach pains that, for me, is fundamental.
  • Put simply, the quality of my life has IMPROVED HUGELY.


In reality this luxury detox supplement started as a medicinal product highly effective for Anti-aging and detox

The product information insert explains that the active ingredient of MEGA NFC medical is Clinoptilolite-zeolite. The components derive from biologically pure volcanic minerals and marine deposits with crystalline lattice structure and finally the product is rigorously subjected to quality controls.

It slows down the neurodegenerative processes of the organism and celular aging and guarantees antioxididant protection.

It regenerates the body’s disintoxication resources, freeing the organism form poisonous substances and toxins, like for example, heavy metals such as lead, mercury etc..

It acts positively lessening skin disorders like psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

It increases the body’s ability to perform in cases of overtiring.

Personally I take a sachet every morning an hour and a half before the main meal.

For more information about MEGA NFC medical click here.

If you would like to ask questions about my experience with this product write to

I hope I have been useful.


ladyfur, morning, meganfc medical ladyfur, post supplemnet, meganfc





meganfc, medical, supplement , Clinoptilolite-zeolite mega nfc, medical supplement, Clinoptilolite-zeolite luxury supplement, medical mega nfc  Senza-titolo1

Senza-titolo1ladyfur, welovefur, mega nfc medical



Hotel : Diana Milan

Photos : Mattia Moscato 


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