Good morning 2015 and ciao 2014 you were a BOMB YEAR

I start the year in Miami Beach writing on a blank sheet the list of objectives and dreams to be achieved.

I am very happy because if I look back at the list I wrote in 2014,  it seems untrue, but, I basically achieved most of my personal and business goals.

As for the unfulfilled goals, I will move them to the 2015.

2014 was a very difficult year, full of sacrifices and hard choices but also full of love and satisfaction and highly formative experiences! It was a BOMB year for the thousand and one things I did!


My family is my strength. We all love each other and  more than ever before.

Love intended boyfriends (I have not yet found a soul mate and I am not looking for one but when it arrives it arrives;-)


I was ill for the problem with Chron ‘s syndrom. I turned this negative news into positive. I lead a healthy life, I love more, I try to have a balance of mind and to have consistency in following the therapy. All this is good for me.

BLOG work

The blog is doing great thanks to the work done in 2014.

In my list of the goals, one was to have a space on International magazines.

I have my own space in the Russian magazine spletnik.ru on Haibao.com on elle.it and now also on Graziashop.com.

Another goal was to continue to grow the blog in my industry and position in the world of fur. This is what I have done and continue to do.

I travelled extensively to Greece, Finland, Denmark, Hong Kong, Miami, Monaco, London, Russia, Beijing continuing to work closely with the fur brands and the auctions that control the sector. I call the auction houses “the Fur Mothers” those who continue to trust in me day after day.

I relaunched the blog, with a new layout and a new team.

I received much positive feed back about my new blog site and my new team. I have maintained a special relationship with those who have worked and continue to work with me.

I started working with new fashion and important luxury brands. I have learned lots of new things.


I started to develop my dream, my collection, my brand.

I attended the Mifur and I made the sales campaign.

I encountered thousands of obstacles but I kept on working till I overtook them, I found that investors suddenly dumped me but nevertheless I tried to chase my dreams.

It was an eventful year full with travel experience and emotions.

Thank you year 2014, I have gained a lot of confidence in myself and I’m discovering a new Samantha.

I lived 2014 giving the best of myself trying to do the possible and the impossible.

2014 Thank you have been a BOMB year.

I recommend to you to do your own wish-list objectives and dreams! Write even impossible things.

Then divide you goals into: short-term and long-term.

Write that list on your mobile phone, computer and ipad. Print the list and hang it on your wall, thus you can look it at every day and continue to work towards achieving your goals.

Stay focused on your dreams I’m sure they will come true.

Kisses I’ll get back to my list!

Lady Fur

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