Fur Excellence in Athens the video

I’m sharing with you the video of my personal experience at Fur Excellence in Athens.

Fur Excellence in Athens began 23 night with Nafa Gala Party and ended on 27 evening.

(To watch the video with good quality please select 720HD)

In the video you will see:

23/03/2015 Nafa Gala and if you would like to see also the pictures and read the article please click here

24/03/2015 Fur Excellence Gala Party, and also in this case if you are interested in seeing more photos we shared a post with 80 photos click here 

24/25/26/27 At the fair with some part of the exibitors. ( We went in every stand but in the video it was impossible to put everybody because the video could become too long) But you can see all photo clicking here

Thank you very much to Fur Excellence in Athens and Hellenic Association of Furries for allowing me to live this fantastic experience.

Don’t miss Lady Fur looks on Grazia

Video Umberto Gorra

Make up: Τζαρδή Αλεξάνδρα
Hair: Λιτσα Λιβανου

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