Mano Swartz First Video

Mano Swartz video of my experience in Baltimora with Richard Swartz

Help! I can’t believe it, finally, we have shared the first video made with Mano Swartz. Those of you that have always followed me know that as soon as I take a photo or shoot a film I would like to upload and post them. I can’t wait, my hand’s itch, I immediately want to share it through all possible channels. WELL YES, I am addicted to social networks, the web, I miss my pre-web brain.….

The video trailer was filmed in August during my 10 days stay in Baltimore with Richard Swartz the owner of Mano  Swartz, the oldest furrier in America. On that occasion, I already shared with you posts on the during and after of my experience with Mano Swartz.

Here they are:

lady fur mano swartz fur
This is the first. When I arrived in Baltimore to my great surprise I found a beautiful sign which read BENVENUTO LADY FUR =)=) It was incredible and exciting!

mano swartz lady fur fox coat
This is the second post. Because of the time difference, that morning while I was still in bed, waiting under the covers for the right time to start the day, I found a photo of Christy Turlington wrapped in a fox fur.  A  seventies Dior fox fur, that was very, very similar to one that I had seen right in the Mano Swartz shop. That’s where I got the idea of taking a photo. (clicking here you will see the post )

mano swartz welovefur
This is the third. During a lunch break Richard Swartz took me and my team to eat at Jack Grill. Look at the photos of the post because they are substantial, but above all don’t miss the ones of the sandwich…I get hungry just looking at them.
And here is the fourth. I was wearing a collar with a crazy fox tail and I was in a Baltimore vintage gym. Also in this case I advise you look at the post because the photos are really worth looking at.
Needless to say, I was wearing Mano Swartz furs in all the photos.

Love you

Lady Fur

Photos and video: Azzurra Piccardi

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