Beatriz Furest leather brand interview

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Beatriz Furest is the designer of this brand of handbags and accessories. With very clear ideas knows how to combine the experience of family tradition with new trends in their designs.

Her predilection for ‘see how it stands the classic among the most novel’ led her to experiment with different shapes, patterns, leathers and color schemes. Thus was born a style that reinvents itself every season without losing its essence.

The leathers of the highest quality and craftsmanship in manufacturing Barcelona do the rest to position this brand 100% Barcelonesa as one of the leading national scene. Season after season, their complements are open hole in the windows of the main European cities.


How and why handbags and accessories with leathers of the highest quality? What are you trying to get at with your creations?

I remember perfectly the first time I bought a diary of the classical ones that cost me € 200. I was 15 and I was so excited because I knew that I would be with her for all my life. Being a noble and valuable material, the leather is keep in time, grows old with you. The accessory over time it evolved from a simple addition of clothing that she kept in her wardrobe year after year, has become iconic object and status symbol that is recognized as an undisputed aesthetic and stylistic.

How do you work? Is it more intellectual or hands-on working with forms, materials and colour in the workshop, which by the way is really beautiful?

Every time I start a project, I reset the ideas and begin to observe the reality around me, friends, magazines, bloggers, street style … everything that inspires me at that time. I travel a lot with my agenda, taking notes and when I feel I have absorbed all this information I stop and start drawing, up to three days.

Historically Catalan industrial designers were concerned with the atemporal in relation to their designs. Is this also a concern for you?

When walking down the street, I see my creations worn, are current. They have a timeless allure. I like to see how the details of the trend emerging on the classic.

What is the best and worst part of the complex work you do? The technical and commercial aspects can at times be very hard. How do you manage?

The most complex part is the comparison with an audience that is constantly evolving and responsive in an ever new and different way. A level of communication I really enjoy for example the art direction of product, photography of collection.

is fashion and trend setting important for you? What are your references?

Fashion is important to me and always has been. I belong to a family with a tradition within the fashion industry. I still remember how I watched the details of the ties and the colors, cotton cloth, printed with stripes always classic. These are memories that I always keep in mind as models. Including movies. Woody Allen is my icon, and even Grace Kelly and Alfred Hitchcock, my favorite movie is Out of Africa. Memories are recorded in my thoughts and inspire me.

Are you interested in men’s footwear?

Yes, in many they demand it. is a different world and I think that involving in a “men collection” could get away from the BF brand identity. In my creations I seek constantly coherence to achieve credibility. In the collection, we have included canvas beach bags and hats because these elements enter into the collection and complete this. All thinking in a coherent and original offer.

Can we buy BF via the web? Internet and fashion are related?

Currently we have online shop with worldwide distribution, you can access from our site

In fact, our customers buy BF from all over the world, especially from Northern Europe and Japan. People who come to Barcelona, knows the product in our stores and become fans.


Valentina Lanteri


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