Blue shadow fox fur is able to make you so sexy, hot, rich, in style, and beautiful for every occasion. This is why fur coats will always be in style. I really think that fur is sexy.
That early morning in the poolside of the luxury Saga Furs Design Center in blue shadow fox fur felt like Marilyn Monroe.
Men if you can’t understand my fur feeling I will try to explain it with this example: It’s like when you drive a Ferrari, how do you feel? Suddenly you feel rich, power, more beautiful, more sure of yourself. When you drive a Ferrari you don’t need super luxury clothes, some people drive a Ferrari in a tracksuit, others in really basic casual style. The feeling is similar to the feeling of fur. Even if it can’t be compared.
Real fur feeling is something really powerful and special on a woman. Unique. I love to say: Fur is sexy.
“I feel sexier naked in a blue fox fur than being just in lingerie”.
Let me make an example.
Dear women fur lovers have you ever woken up late in the morning? You have no makeup on, you haven’t done your hair and you don’t have time to do it, you have to run to your appointment? Put your hair up, put on a pair of sunglasses and a real fur coat and you’re good to go. You will appear super beautiful, fresh, elegant, sexy and in style.
You can’t imagine how many times it has happened that the night before I have been up really late, and in the morning I have just wanted to relax but I don’t have anything at home. No water, no food no milk nothing. So I used to (and still do :)) go out just with tights, a blue fox fur and sunglasses.
When I go out just with a blue fox fur I feel SUPER SEXY, warm, comfortable, beautiful, rich, in style, I feel so good with my self and I don’t care if I have makeup or not.
Which other garments can give you this feeling? The only fur can because fur is sexy and Blue shadow fox fur is more.
If I have a date with a guy the first thing that comes to mind is: which fur should I wear for my date? I don’t care about the dress I care more about the fur <3 <3
When you wear a fur coat like the one that you see in the photo, a blue shadow fox fur, you can have a basic style during the day as in the night and in the case, you have a special event a shining dress with a fur collar or fur coats will make you the queen of the night.
The fur is at the height of fashion. You can’t pick up a magazine or watch a catwalk show without seeing fur coats and accessories splashed on the pages. Nothing can replicate the warm and fuzzy look that sable fur, mink fur, fox fur and chinchilla fur give you. It is a natural beauty. It is organic elegance. Oh, let’s just say it… FUR IS SEXY!
About My Blue fox Fur Outfits
In the photos that you see on my blog, I was at Saga Furs Design Center. I had just woken up, I had already done my makeup and I was waiting for breakfast, I decided to take some fur photos on the poolside in the middle of nature.
The blue fox fur coat that I’m wearing comes from the Archive of Saga Furs, it is a blue-dyed fox. Super big and super soft.
I felt like Marilyn Monroe, she was a sexy icon and she always was in fur. I have added here some of her images.
About my workshop, at Saga Furs Design centre I will post in two days the evolution of my fox sample inspired by Sailor Moon
Miao Miao
Lady Fur
Don’t miss my experience at Saga Furs
Photo: Jana Anhalt
Makeup: Laura Laira
One word: perfection.Everything is sexy on you
WUAOOO thank you LOVE U
These photos are great 🙂
thank you Marie <3
Amazing photo and interesting post as always.
This blue fox fur is perfect on you.
<3 So nice
nice look & photography dear!
Thanks <3 <3 <3
Lovely post!
new post
<3 <3 I'm following you =) Ciao bella =)
This is absolutely stunning!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
you are one of the oldest follower that I have <3 and you are the best THANK YOU FOR ALL SUPPORT <3
You look AMAZING! I love how the fur matches your eyes! Great Shots!
thank you really thank you <3 <3 <3
Wonderful pics. Love it!
thank you Elisabet=) I cant wait to see your next post
I’m obsessed with this fox fur
Stunning photos for a lovely location.
What a beautiful pictures, you look amazing!
love, Carmen
Ciao Carmen thank you for following me
Absolutely adore it! I need that blue fox fur! ^.^
Blue fox fur is amazing happy happy you like it
Ohhhhhh…. the though of you naked under that FAB FOX makes me drool……
It felt sooooo soft, you would not believe…
You are my Fur Fantasy……..
<3 and you are mine <3
MMMmmmmm…..a dream come true… to be your fur fantasy….you look AMAZING in that FOX Darling….would LUV a big Furry HUG
OMG! I think I`m in looooove! Amazing photo shoot. You look stunning! Blue suits you so well!
<3 Thanks babe!
love this. The color is beautiful and the scenery even more!
Saga Furs Design Center is a magic place <3
OMG!!! absolutely gorgeous…you look stunning:) 🙂
Beautiful coat!
OMG we love your blog soooo much!
Wow, the blue fox fur is amazing but what makes it sexy is the lady it’s wrapped around 😉
I would LUV a HUGE fox HUG from you in that AMAZING coat Darling!!!!
cute coat <3
fuck you
Samantha is fucking disgusting wearing fur.why not post how to get fur?what fucking condition does the animals live in?cruel bitch
I am sorry you are so angry and possibly hurt by her post but I would think you need to raise a healthy animal to get a beautiful pelt. For me fur represents a strong reminder of how nature can provide natural warmth, softness and comfort. Loss of environment is the real threat to animals. NOT a lady enjoying her ranch raised fox fur coat.
hhheeey there.. nobody here agrees with you, fur is the best thing ever and the feeling of it on your skin is just unbelievably enriching. we’re using what the earth has provided, long before we had clothes it was furs and skins.
anyway, if you have a fur fetish and truly love how it feels, this is the comment list for you.
Samantha is amazing.
don’t swear, either.
I love you, Samantha. in all your furrrrr.
Thank you for your support <3 <3 <3 <3