new tool for the fur trade

coldfurs fur trade where furriers of North America go to buy, sell or trade. is an online fur market place. It was developed specifically for furriers to connect with each other. Once connected the furriers conclude their transactions through a private messaging feature or off line as the website has no transactional capabilities.

The website is 100% FREE.

The website is completely free to all users who register, but membership requires approval. The approval process insures that it will be a trade only site and not available to the general public.

Developed by David and Richard Swartz – Mano Swartz Furs, Lutherville, Maryland (I already wrote about him many times) with the intention of providing the fur trade with a needed tool to help facilitate business.

If retailers can adjust their inventories to increase turn over of stock all levels of the fur trade will benefit.

Applications include wholesalers trying to reach more of the market, a retailer looking for a specific item for a client (“Wanted “ page bulletin board) or anyone looking for a clearance vehicle for inventory.

Cold Furs website

A recent post od Richard Swartz for welovefur

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