Day Birger et Mikkelsen video experience

Day Birger et Mikkelsen video experience made in Copenhagen with Keld Mikkelsen

Day Birger et Mikkelsen and Kopenhagen Fur …. Did you know ? Are you in the loop about what’s going on??

So!!! Watch the video ASAP!!

In this video, I am speaking about my trip to Copenhagen at Day Birger et Mikkelsen and their special collaboration with Kopenhagen Fur.

A few days ago, I made a post about it. For those that did not see my post, click here.

The person that I interviewed, Keld Mikkelsen (Founder and Director of Day Birger et Mikkelsen), is a charismatic and passionate man.

It was a cold November morning, he was seated elegantly in his showroom which is situated in a historical beautiful building in the center of the capital.

He began to tell me the story about the history of his Maison, and I immediately wanted to know more and more.

I discovered that :

Day Birger et Mikkelsen started a collaboration with Kopenhagen Fur, that I used to call by the nickname: THE MOTHER OF FUR.

This is because Kopenhagen Fur is a kind of mother for tons of fur stores, fashion shops, brands, and designers… Keld had decided to put furs in his collection, and was the first to do so.

Previously, collaborations between designers and furriers did not exist. And….

… the result was AMAZING. Please click here to see the collection. My favorite item is DAY MINK COAT, and yours?

I passed the entire morning with him, the following day I was invited to his store where I tried on all of his furs and clothes and was overcome with a strong sensation to purchase all of them.

I highly recommend to all of you to pass by Day Birger et Mikkelsen to try their furs; they are elegant yet chic, conserving a classic style, but are of upmost quality.

If you are not planning to go to Copenhagen at the moment and are a fur crazed shopper, you can buy them all NOW!! Click here IMMEDIATELY!! 

What are you waiting for??

Miao Miao

Lady Fur 

Watch all my videos click here

Don’t miss all my looks rich of fur and leather luxury products 

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