Dear fur lovers, Do you like my new sable coat?
First of all Happy Easter a little bit later for those who didn’t follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where I share constantly my life.
During my very very short Easter Holidays I went to Monte Carlo.
Unfortunately the weather hasn’t been lenient and it has been very cold all the time 🙁
I profited by few sunny hours and try to get tanned with my summer Bershka dress warmed by a marvelous Carlo Ramello’s sable fur coat. Such an amazing mix!
In this period of my life sable coat is my favorite skin.
Grazie Ale fra poco inizia il salone per cui ci vediamo =) <3 <3
your photos are beautiful
location's sea are wonderful
nice to meet you
bellissima, come sempre
Very, very nice, Samantha! Beautiful fur and wonderful skirt!
MMmmmmmmmmmm…. I LUV your new Sable coat Gorgeous!!!! You look soooo SEXY in FUR!!!!
You are so cute!
I like your pictures very mch, it is wonderfur, the mink coat is very fashionable, I am waiting for seeing your more good fur products
My fur products website is welcome to visit us too.