Fur fair Mifur 2016 video

The video of Mifur 2016 Fur fair by Lady Fur

Fur Fair Mifur 2016 Boom of international buyers at the Italian fur fair. Mifur 2016 closed its doors last 5th March, leaving its exhibitors very satisfied.

After the quiet of Hong Kong, no one expected so many visitors: buyers, designers, sector professionals… above all in the first two days the fair was in full swing.

Many faces met in the corridors came from the Far East and the data confirms this perception: compared to 2015 the number of Japanese visitors increased by +14.29%, the Koreans by +50,95% and those coming from Hong Kong by +9%.

Even Russia was present, stopping the negative fall in visitors: -15% compared to -35% of last year: finally, a slight improvement that opens a window of hope for the future.

The EU area (France, Germany, Spain and Greece) decreased its presence with a stop of -25%, especially for France, the coincidence of the transalpine Fashion Week and Fashion fairs certainly didn’t help. The English are enthusiastic to take part (+18.37%) and Mifur is attracting more and more the attention of the department’s stores.

The United States were also present, even though in decline compared to last year, the most important buyers don’t miss it, especially from the fashion sector.

The official dates for the 2017 edition are from 24 to 27 February, during Milan Fashion Week.

Why take part in Mifur? Why should a fashion brand participate in Mifur?

You have no idea how many of my designer friends that have accessory, leather, fur, clothing brands ask me: should I take part in Mifur?

I can answer here publicly hoping that this post will be useful.

I think that participating in Mifur for a fashion brand that uses skin (leather and fur) mixed with textiles could be a good strategy.

Fur buyers that have buying power are changing and want to renew themselves, they are tired of the same fur brands that nearly all every year propose the same collections. The buyers are looking for a new product with a fresh style, not too expensive, to add in the shops. This category of buyers rarely go to fashion fairs and if they do, get confused because there are loads of (too many) young, fresh fashion brands in one fair.

Sometimes it’s better to go where not everyone goes.

Differently from fashion fairs that pool buyers more or less from the same target, Mifur offers future brands a different target of buyers that could show a lot of interest in new collections.

The next edition of Mifur will definitely be innovative compared to all the fairs of the sector. Below are the photos of Lady Fur with followers and exhibitors of Mifur 2016 edition.

In a previous post Lady Fur told of her personal experience at Mifur, click here to read it and see the photos of her stand.

I would really like to thank Mifur, in particular Elena Salvaneschi (the mother of Mifur), for having given me the possibility to take part in this great fair, the most important and influential in the fur field. Thanks to all the team of Mifur and the president Albertalli.

Photos of Lady Fur with exhibitors and followers

To see all post did at Mifur click here

If you like Lady Fur style click here

To watch more videos click here

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