Fur toys in real fur by Lady Fur

fur toys hug me in real fur by lady fur

Fur toys in real fur. The bunny capsule collection made by Lady Fur

Fur toys in real fur Hug Me! From today on you will be able to shop my bunnies in real fur directly on welovefur.  We opened our own online shop. <3  In the shop, for the moment, you will find four bunnies. This is my mini capsule collection NIGHTand its called HUG ME’. The bunnies are the softest furry toys to hug and cuddle before going to sleep. They are perfect to have them in bed or on the armchair in the bedroom. These bunnies are even suitable for newborns so they can be used by anyone. I don’t know if you know but sleeping with real fur is good for your health, this has been proved by scientists.

I always hug my soft bunny before going to sleep. For months now I haven’t separated from my bunny. The Hug Me bunny with the brown dots is my favorite.

I sleep with him every night.

In winter time even more because he keeps me warm.

My real fur toys capsule collection is a unique project

I have always dreamed of giving something to my followers that is connected to me. To my followers that share the same passion I have.

Taking one of my fur toys is like bringing to your home a little piece of Lady Fur <3

You will not only receive a real fur soft toy!

You will receive a the fur toy in a beautiful box made with love and on the inside you will find a handwritten letter from me with a little surprise. At the moment of the purchase we will require some information, like your name to be able to write the letter and in case you had requested it, we will engrave your name or initials on the fur toys. I recommend to do this on the paw or on the back of the neck of the furry toy.

Also the color will be the one you choose: pink, yellow, green…you only need to ask =)

Also the initials can be embroidered in the color of your choice and the size of your preference.

Second line of fur toys will be online in January

In January you will find online my second line. It will be extremely luxurious. Four real fur toys rich in fur, crocodile, embroidery inserts. Luxury fur toys. These are the perfect complement for your luxurious home.

I will make this luxury fur toys collection in collaboration with other designers, some of them very well-known.

The bunnies are made in rex rabbit fur. The rex rabbit is a noble rabbit with strong leather and very fine hair, soft and furry.

They are produced in Germany, by my beloved friend (who owns a leading leather company of the sector) with whom I did the fur sorting course in Copenhagen at the Kopenhagen Fur which is the auction I call “the mom of fur

The perfect Christmas present. These fur toys could be the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones or your kids <3

I take my fur toys everywhere: to Shanghai, Beijing, Monte Carlo, Dubai, Milano, Paris and Chicago. It is always with me. Who follows me on Snapchat Ladyfur or follows me on Instagram stories @Lady Fur must have seen may times videos of me and my real fur soft toys. I once created a post with my Hug Me bunny in Chicago. After this post I received so many messages, such as:

Hi Lady Fur where can I find your bunny?

Hi Lady Fur when will you do a collection of fur toys?

and many more.

And those who had written later on ordered the bunny via Instagram 

Yesterday we shipped the first batch <3

I love my job

Something personal related to my real fur soft toys

When I launched my blog, four years ago, I made a video post where I explained in detail how my passion for furs was born. That famous video got more than 45000 views in one week. Everything started with a fur blanket that my mother gave to me when I was born. I called it Titti. It was a rex rabbit fur blanket same fur of my bunnies. Only by touching this blanket I would fall asleep without any problems. I grew up, left behind my Titti but my sensitiveness for ultra soft things such as furs never went away, on the contrary it grew up to the point I transformed it into my passion, a passion for furs I transformed into work. It is a fact that the life I have created, is super stressful, many times I have trouble sleeping. When I feel anxious, or I am jet-lagged, I touch my bunny fur toys in real fur and the soft sensation immediately gives me this peaceful feeling and I transport myself into the world of dreams. I talked about this with a psychologist and he told me that this is related to the habits that were created in my early childhood, which later on caused this effect.

True or not I know that when I hug my real fur soft toys I get the best sleep.

Thanks to all the people that have supported this project. Discover my online shop where you will find my fur toys in real fur.

Photo: Marieta Feka Giorgos Ioannidis 

fur toys in real fur hug me by lady fur

Fur toys (my past since 2011 to 2016)

Ready to be amazed!

The 27th of October of 2011 on blogspot, when my blog was just my hobby. I had made this post here, click to view the post!

What can you notice  looking at this post from 2011?

What must amaze you is the wallpaper of my mac. A beautiful model with a Sphinx cat. The same picture I had published on my Instagram a few days ago. The same picture I used as an inspirational image for the mood of this shooting.

Since 2011 up until today, five years have passed

Time flies by, and slowly, slowly I am transforming all my dreams into reality. In that post I was talking about my dream of realising a capsule collection of fur toys in real fur and I also talked about my passion for furs. I dreamt of converting my passion into my job.

  • The blog became my main business
  • The capsule collection is on sale on my blog

Gradually I am achieving everything I had planned to do…

This picture was taken in Carlo Ramello’s lab. A fur lab where I had made a little internship for a few months. The stuffed animal you see in the picture, his name is Hugo and he was given to me by one of my first followers who comes from Germany, Aurelia.

Gifts given to me by my followers always bring me luck. As I told you in this post also a bunny had been given to me by a special follower. Who knows, maybe this will also bring a lot of fortune.



Lady Fur


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