Fur Trapper Hat how to wear it

trapper hat lady fur new york

Fur trapper hat all my vision, how to wear it, how to make it, who wears it, the history of the hat, all in one post.

I look my wardrobe full of fur hats, I put on my fur trapper hat and I look at myself in the mirror and I hear the voice of my super stylish granny saying: ‘But where do you want to go with the fur trapper hat? A trapper hat for Milan? Are you planning to go to the mountains?

ahahah My granny makes me laugh all the time, she loves commenting on my fur outfit, in particular my lovely granny loves leaving negative comments under the posts of the other fashion bloggers that she doesn’t like.hahah

However let me start by telling you: how to wear a fur trapper hat in style.

The way to wear the fur trapper hat in style doesn’t exist, the trapper hat fits well with everything, trust me, it adds “feature” to your outfit.  It’s like putting parmigiano on pasta. I don’t know if the comparison is clear

I will try to explain better my theory about how to wear the trapper hat:

Please fur lovers, close your eyes and think about

a beautiful girl with a long black tight jacket wearing a big fur trapper hat walking in Paris with 14 cm heels (super romantic elegant and rock)

a beautiful boy (skinny or beautifully muscled) under the snow, walking in the middle of the traffic, just with a t-shirt and fur vest, wearing a fur trapper hat in fox.

a business woman with a classic suit (pants and jacket), and an over coat wearing fur trapper hat in an elegant way.

I mean the fur trapper hat is really easy to wear with all kinds of look – casual, classic, rock, punk, elegant, it adds character to your style.

I don’t have real tips about what to match the fur trapper hat with my advice is to wear it as you feel. But, I have a secret. When I have a date with a guy in winter time YES, I wear the fur hat either in white or in black.

Why do I wear the fur trapper hat in white or black fox for a date?

As you know I have blue eyes and if I wear the fur trapper hat in  color it value my eyes. =) It makes me more sure of myself and I feel more beautiful.

It could be seem a stupid thing but when I wear the white or black fox fur trapper hat all guys look me in very good way.This is advice for my dear 30 year old friends that are desperating looking for a husband. Girls: wear the fur trapper hat when you go out=)=) ahahah I’m joking


Moodboard inspiration about fur trapper hat

moodboard fur hat

Trapper hat in winter time

However in winter time the fur trapper hat is a fundamental accessory. If you live in New York, Copenhagen anyway in a northern city the trapper hat in real fur is the best choice.  It is a part of my cold survival kit that I used during New York Fashion Week. (The coldest one)

Fur lovers I have a special request I’m crazy in LOVE with this fur trapper hat by CHANEL –  I really would love to wear it this winter.

Please if you love me buy it and send it to me =)=) I want the CHANEL TRAPPER HAT it’s amazing =)=)=)

chanel fur trapper hat lady fur

The fur trapper hat the history

My colleague Sara is a new part of my team and she did thorough research about the history of the fur trapper hat.

The First “Fur Trapper Hat” is a “Ushanka”.

Ushanka is a Russian Fur Cap which was used during the Russian war. The style of the trapper hat was with ear flaps that could be tied up to the crown of the cap. The standard modern Ushanka with a perfectly round crown was developed in the 20th century.

The Ushanka became a symbol and media icon of the Soviet union and later the Russian Federation.

The first Fur Trapper Hat was painted on canvas by Joachim Von Sandraart in 1643 where he portrays a German hunter. The German Hunter is with an early form of Ushanka. You can see the image in the moodboard inspiration that we did with love for you. The Fur Trapper Hat was traditionally used by hunters and trappers in cold weather areas to stay warm during winter.  The trapper Hat is quickly becoming the must have accessory in these years.

The fur trapper hat  the selection of Lady Fur

Girls and Boys, or as I prefer to call you: fur lovers, here you can find my selection of fur trappers hats.

I did research on my favorite online shops such as Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman, Matchesfashion, Luisa Via Roma I hope you will like my selection =)

Trapper hat:celebrities who love to wear the trapper hat

Rihanna, Kate Moss, Kanye West, Justin, Kim Kardashian, Pharrell Williams are just some of the celebrities that are wearing the trapper hat.

celebrities wearing trapper hat

How do you make a fur trapper hat?

I don’t know the reason why many people ask me: Hey Lady Fur please, I have some foxes, I would love to make a fur trapper hat,  do you know how I can? Do you have a tutorial video to show me how you make a trapper hat? Guys fur lovers I don’t have a tutorial video made myself  but I found one really cool please click here

Some old post of me Lady Fur wearing fur trapper hat=)

First one click here to read the post (I was so different)

Second post one year ago in Cph

fur trapper hat white fox lady fur
This is me Lady Fur in Cph 2 years ago wearing the trapper hat in fox (I’m more beautiful now)=)



Fur trapper hat on Pinterest

Trapper hat on Polyvore please click here

Ps:Will you wear the trapper hat?

Love you


Lady Fur first and only fur influencer present on the webhappy

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Don’t miss my last post about English Hunting Style



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