Greenlandic Seal Fur

Greenlandic Seal fur skins all you need to know in this post 

Seal fur: my new passion!

I imagine animalistic: bit…fuc…die!

Before saying study because i did it!

Before I fell in love, I documented well. In depth. The seals of which I am speaking of you are of Great Greenland and are the seals expelled by the Inuit. The waters of Greenland are overpopulated by seals.

If they were not hunted the Inuit would die an entire population and the ecosystem because there are too many seals and a seal eats more than 200 kilos of fish a day.

The seal fur that Kopenhagen Fur sells are furs that come from the Inuits, the indigenous population that lives in Greenland.

This means that the seals are not killed for the purpose of being sold at auction to then transform them into fur garments, but to protect and save the existence of the indigenous population. Yes, you understood correctly, and now I will explain why.

Yes, you got it right, and now I’ll explain why.

The Inuits

The Inuits (a self sufficient population) survive thanks to seal hunting. Nothing of the animal is wasted: with their fat they heat their houses, with the furs they create clothes, a part of the body is destined for food while the insides become food for the dogs.

Seal hunting is therefore sustainable hunting, above all if you consider the fact that more and more are born each year and that, if they were not culled, they would represent a serious danger for the reproduction of smaller fish, endangering the survival of the indigenous populations of the Arctic.

Things  to highlight and memorize well:

– Seals are not an endangered species.

– In Greenland the Inuits hunt seals with pistols.

– Kopenhagen Fur sells only this type of fur that is the only one saleable all overEurope.

Moral: They are then NOT banned

Something you do not know! The Inuit rebellion!

The Inuit had to present themselves two years ago to the Parliament of Strasbourg to protest against the law issued in 2010 by the European Parliament introducing a ban on the sale and purchase of products and derivatives from the hunting of seals by collapsing the export of the seal skins of the 90% and condemning an entire community to starvation.

“You can not understand that this is our way of living and keeping us from the dawn of humanity” he was praying loudly shouting the former minister of agriculture and hunting Karry Lyberth.

Greenpeace made a public apology and stepped back admitting that the intentions of “stopping the commercial exploitation of the seals had gone too far”.

Even Greenpeace and the Inuit will come to ally against the drilling in the Arctic, because they have arrived until then.

Strasbourg has instead turned a deaf ear with the result of practically zeroing the subsistence economy of those populations and to popularize so much the seals to the point of putting at risk of extinction several species: maybe they did not tell it but only one seal eats about 200kg of live fish a day!!!

Neither did I want to nor would I neglect this important information… but now let’s get to the most FASHIONABLE and INTERESTING part for us designers and fur fans.

Recently tanneries in Greenland have developed new colourings.

Seal fur absorbs colour very well taking on a FLOURESCENT effect.

In the video you can see some colours that really got me going.

I counted about twenty: my favourites are PINK, ICE BLUE, BLUEBERRY AND CHOCOLATE.

This fur has another particular. Differently from other furs it is really easy to work because it doesn’t have to be nailed down! This means saving time by skipping a very long and boring step.

Seal fur also lends itself to lining, 3d effects,embroidery, applications….

 Kopenhagen Fur Studio (Ex Kick) In these late months has been developing new techniques: you will find some in the video, but I promise I will show you others next year.

You can’t even imagine how many crossed my mind caressing seal fur…During my last experience in Copenhagen even in my dreams my thoughts kept going to what I could create with this type of fur.

Once seal fur was stiff, and in my opinion also a bit ugly. now instead it is soft, so soft it can be compared to mink with the difference that a mink is small while a seal is very big…

Some quick logic: to make a fur, usually, you need at least 17 minks. With seal two are enough and so the price also becomes very interesting. There is no need for the cutter and it lends itself to particular processing…

Basically a GREENLANDIC SEAL fur, on a commercial level, can become very attractive for buyers not only for the more than competitive price but also for the novelty of the material that has nothing to do with Canadian seal.

To see old posts on seal fur click here

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