I laugh when I hear that furs are no longer in fashion!

Celine S/S 2013


Miu Miu S/S 2013

Furs are no longer in?! Is that why stylists are proposing it also for Spring Summer 2013 ?

Furs are in! They were never out and they never will be! Also because fur is something more than just a piece of clothing that is fashionable for six months and then passes!

Having a fur garment means having something luxurious that has a value that goes above any material.

I am happy, because stylists, having listened to feedback from buyers, are  proposing more and more fur garments for the richest markets even for Spring Summer.

It’s true that once wealthy families gave furs to their daughters and nieces for their 18th birthdays…

Nowadays the idea of the fur garment has changed but is still very present in our daily life…When I hear ‘fashion people’ tell me: ‘fur is dead, you don’t see it anymore, it has had it’s day’ I don’t get mad anymore: I LAUGH!

And I think that and Italian who says who even just thinks something like this doesn’t deserve to be called Italian, but above all could change job.

Celine even proposed shoes with coloured fur points for Summer Spring,

Prada presented jackets in Persian with embroidered fur flowers, bags with mink details, Miu Miu launched the xxl size super long stole, in fox, with winning colours

With a bit of Patience…you will discover all the news about these collections in my next posts.

Miao Miao =)

Lady Fur


Prada S/S 2013

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