Imagine Talents and Copenhagen Fashion Week

Video of Imagine Talents and Copenhagen Fashion Week

Imagine Talents | Finally a month after leaving for Copenhagen I am sharing with you the video of my unforgettable experience at Kopenhagen Fur

In the video you can see the Imagine Talents show, a part of the workshop, the designers’ dinner with the Kopenahgen Fur and the Copenhagen Fashion Week.

I will briefly explain what Imagine Talents is, even though I mentioned it in a previous post that I SUGGEST you read because it is full of emotions (as you know I love writing off the cuff )

Imagine Talents is a FORESIGHTED project, a dream for any designer.

Twenty one young talents – meticulously chosen designers coming from prestigious international schools like the Royal College of Art (England), Atelier Chardon Savard (France), Tsinghua University (China), Seul National University (South Korea), Mode Gakuen Tokyo (Japan), Design School Kolding (Denmark) and VIA University College (Denmark) – had the possiblity to discover what the Kopenhagen Fur auction is, to do workshops at Kick the design center of KF and to participate in the show held during the Danish Fashion Week. But not only, they also had the possibility to visit the city and directly meet the big bosses of Kopenhagen Fur. A real learning experience.

The show was a success, it seemed like a Chanel show.

The spectacular location, minimal and digital, lit by led lamps on a brilliant white background, hosted 800 guests.

The young designers showed their creations and had the possibilty to present their own pieces to the guests.

For who reads my blog periodically I could seem repetitive but for who wants to know more about this SUPER FANTASTIC project I suggest reading the first post.

For who missed the video of  Copenhagen Fashion Week on with an interview with Freya I suggest you click here 

During Copenhagen fashion week we also took some street style shots (click here to see it).

Don’t miss one of the post dedicated to Kopenhagen Fur either

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