Hi Fur Lovers
Lats time I was in Kopenhagen I had the pleasure to meet Andy Wong and I did an interview with him . He is a unique !
Who are you and how do you define yourself?
I’ve been raised in the fur industry since I was a kid and got into my family business for about 10 years. Lucky enough I have been a new celebrity in Hong Kong where I get invited by a lot of PR companies and friends to attend most of the big named brand events and fashion shows in Hong Kong. Simply I’m just a fashion guy with too much to do and too little on time.
Where were you born and in which place would you like to live?
I was borned in Hong Kong and rasied in Toronto until I finished my Fashion Design Degree and left back to Hong Kong at the age of 22. At the moment I would only love to live in Hong Kong or Japan.
What do you do and which are your expectations for the future?
As mentioned, I work in the fur industry for my family business ”Mandarin Fur Limited” and also Hong Kong Fur Federation. Would like to build my my own brand in near future. As for Hong Kong Fur Federation, we are doing shows and promotion every year and try help and bring the fur industry into another an higher level with more publicity.
Are you fashion victim or are you a trendsetter?
In between both, victim as when I see my credit card bill every month but of course trendsetter once I place both hands into my trousers pockets.
Do you prefer Anna Wintour or Anna Dello Russo?
Slightly edged on Anna Wintour.
What would you change in the world?
With my new fur brand and show everyone that how fur can be used as a fabric and outplay textile!
What are you agree and not agree with fur business?
I do not agreed that fur cannot be use during summer. Look at Prada’s S/S 2013 runway.
Which message would you send to fur supporters and animalist?
Let’s play with the hair! And tell them now the days(actually it has been for a long period of time already) fur are from ranch and farm skins, totally not what they see in videos or anti banners. For those ancient people screaming or misdirecting, please update yourself through International Fur Trade Federation.
Tell me a tipical day in Hong Kong and in NY
Chinese New Year in Hong Kong as we have the longest holiday on earth and Halloween in New York where you can see the best costomes around the city, sorry I’m getting lazy and back to fashion again.
Do You have an example/model to follow ? There are people that follow Steve Jobs , their own father, Madonna, who do u follow?
Basically I follow myself, but would have to say Japanese style has always been a force which I’m very into.
Your Favorite food
Poutine, but there’s only 1 good place in Hong Kong where you can find the same taste comparing with Paris’ or Toronto’s one.
Your favorite film
Forrest Gump and Ironman. Love the suit with sneakers on Hanks, and how can you not like the iron-suit on Ironman!
Your favorite fur skin
Gotta be mink.
You favorite fashion designer
It changes through the years and age, will take era for me to list from where I started dressing. At the moment I would say Thom Browne, Junn.J, and Raf Simons, but Rei Kawakubo has always got my respect!
Where can we follow you
On Weibo, is like a Chinese Twitter where it is more active in Asia: http://weibo.com/awty
Thanks Andy for your time