Kopenhagen Fur Shangtex and Shanghai Fashion week

Kopenhagen Fur Shangtex and Shanghai Fashion week the video

Finally I can share with you my whole exeperience in Shanghai with Kopenhagen Fur Shangtex. The video is about the strategic partnership between Kopenhagen Fur, Shangtex and Shanghai Fashion week. To get more information please read my preview post and it is about the show of Astrid Andersen.

I hope you will like it. <3

To watch the video of all Shanghai Fashion week please click here and watch it.

Thank you very much to Kopenhagen Fur, for allowing me to be a part of this BIG project.

I’m sharing with you also the photos of the party

lady fur and astrid
Astrid Andersen and I
Vladimiro Gioia Jacket, Giannico Shoes, Benedetta Bruzziches Bag
kopenhagen fur shanghai fashion week
Fashion One and I ( wearing Vladimiro Gioia Crocodile and Python Jacket)

ladyfur, vladimiro gioia jacket Kopenhagen Fur Shangtex shangai fashion week shanghai_fashionweek_2015-2588 shanghai_fashionweek_2015-2595 shanghai_fashionweek_2015-2605 umberto gorrashanghai_fashionweek_2015-2610 kopenhagen fur shanghai shangai fashion week

Video Umberto Gorra

Music : Flip flip-music.com  <3

In the video I wear : Vladimiro Gioia jacket (in real python  and crocodile), shoes: Le Capresi and Giannico, Ultra Chic, Yan Yang Du, Lola Swing, Prada, Miu Miu sunglasses, Giancarlo Petriglia and Benedetta Bruzziches bag

To see all posts done in Shanghai please click here

To see al posts on ELLE Click here

Don’t miss

Athens Fur Fair

Milan, Paris, NY, Copenhagen Fashion Week

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