Samantha De Reviziis is a foremost expert of the fur sector and its sustainability
Samantha De Reviziis is my name, and Lady Fur is my nickname! It was given to me by my followers in 2013 after I published a video about my strong passion for fur. This video received more than thirty thousand views in one week.
Since I was a child I dreamed of working in just one sector. The fur industry.
With many sacrifices I made it, creating something that no one had done before. is the first and only (independent) blog in the world dedicated to the fur sector. I then became a consultant for leading companies in the fur and fashion sector. Here you will find my Consulting Agency’s link.
My grandmother taught me to always say thank you.
I want to thank all the brands that invite me to their shows,
That believe in me.
That invest their time
and money in what I do.
THANKS to all the photographers and magazines that publish me like Vogue, Elle, MarieClaire, Bazaar, Le Figaro, Grazia and many others.
I have never had so many photos of my outfits published in big fashion magazines.
I am happy about being featured in these publications but I will be even happier to be published for my work in the fur and fashion sector rather than for what I wear.
To see all the photos that appeared in magazines click here
THANKS to those of you that have been following me on WeLoveFur for six years now and on Instagram @samantha day after day
supporting me also in the most difficult moments.
Yes, because getting here has been difficult!
I mean
Being invited by the big fashion brands
having a role in this sector
Becoming useful to big brands
Offering them a service.
I have fought a lot,
worked day and night
studied and invested in my training.
Spent sleepless nights studying Funnel, SEO and web marketing and elements of business
Earned the diploma in fur sorting first from Kopenhagen Fur and then from Saga Furs the leading auction houses in the fur sector.
invested and lost money in tests
But (there is a but)
Nothing compares to the satisfaction of seeing your own work grow.
The possibility of winning your own freedom is priceless.
And, if you do what you have to, pushing every limit, you get to a critical point.
(Read “the tipping point” by Malcolm Gladwell on this subject).
This is the point where all the pieces of the puzzle come together and you get an overall vision of the work.
We could call it an entrepreneurial “light bulb” moment.
You have mastered so well the skills and tools necessary to define and create a strategy then incredibly, everything seems to work.
Yes, straight away.
And that is when you finally feel ready.
To face any adversity.
To launch new projects.
To throw yourself into less explored businesses.
In the eyes of others you start to seem lucky.
No. That’s not the case.
Putting together the tools, skills, resources and strength necessary to understand and master the market can take years.
But then, all at once, you can get ten, one hundred times your initial results.
Everything was against me.
Results. Family. University. Society. (I will tell you my story better below)
I haven’t done what I have done to show off.
To be honest, I wasn’t even that ambitious.
I was just full of passion.
I saw in my followers the satisfaction that I wasn’t finding in other aspects of my life.
And I gave them part of my life.
Now you are my audience.
You don’t get anything JUST WITH PASSION.
You need to study, act, and break your back.
And that’s impossible without passion.
Passion is what pushes me to carry on
sharing with you my videos and what I do.
I could close my blogs and
My social channels.
My landing pages.
Save loads of money on sites, advertising, etc
And earn high figures dedicating myself exclusively to consulting or the services we offer through my agency and working with brands.
Passion is the heart and the driving force behind ALL entrepreneurial stories.
That is why I choose this, turning down easy money.

Let me tell you my story.
How did I get into the world of fur and then fashion?
I entered the fashion world with the nickname LADY FUR, and as the founder of
It’s a damned awkward name, in the fashion industry
The Fur Queen!
No one in fashion wanted me.
Not one of the top brands wanted to work with me because my name was LADY FUR
given to me by my 30 thousand fur-loving followers in 2013
and what’s more at a moment where the fur trend was more than favorable (about six years ago)
It was an unusable name.
I still remember an email from a top brand famous for making cool furs:
“Ciao Samantha, sorry but we can’t communicate that we dress LADY FUR or that you are at our events… can we simply call you Samantha without mentioning your nickname ‘Lady Fur’?”
But why?
Fashion brands that produced furs and admired my content didn’t want to work with me because in the fashion world, it’s better to produce furs but not say it explicitly.
Hypocrisy? Yes! No! More or less! Or simple marketing?
I wasn’t invited to shows.
Model Talent agencies who manage the Influencers didn’t want to represent me.
Many brands didn’t want to dress me.
This in spite of the fact that my blog is the only one dedicated to the fur sector,with many followers that love furs and therefore potential final clients for brands.
I understood that to carry on my fur project I WASN’T going to enter through the front door
the front door – through which all the other fashion influencers were entering (the easiest route)
but I was going to enter through the side door …. (the most difficult route – but that turned out to be the safest – solid and profitable)
I got an idea!
I proposed to fashion magazines like ELLE ITALIA, HAIBAO CHINA and others to make creative contents on shows like videos etc.. FOR FREE
Yes! For free!
I invested all the money that came in from projects I was carrying out in the fur world into creating content for magazines.
I started working and liaising with brands, going to shows and being present as Samantha (wearing fur)
I started covering fashion weeks in Asia and then in Europe.
I worked day and night on my blog and free for the magazines just to get into the fashion world and position myself.
All the brands that before didn’t even want to think about working with me CHANGED THEIR MINDS.
Above all, when I started working with Grazia Arabia Qatar, the absurd and unexpected thing was that
my experience in the fur sector has become more and more useful to top fashion brands, designers, agencies, fashion and fairs if there is anything about fur the brands call me. I am their point of reference.
In fact today:
I am invited to Haute Couture and Prêt-à-Porter shows as Samantha without the support from any magazine
If before I had to invest in taking part in fashion weeks, today I am paid and sponsored by Mercedes Benz, big hotels, airlines and brands…fashion brands
I am their consultant for digital projects or projects referring to the fur sector as well as having positioned myself at an international level in the fur world
We have dozens of collaborators, our turnover is doubling year after year, and our profit is over 20%.
I am saying all this to tell you that if you have a dream
believe in it
go ahead with it
make your idea work
make your idea business profitable
never give up.
Maybe review the strategy, try everything, try again, dream big but start small.
Create your blog. Create your community. Design your service or product.
Find collaborators that become your more like friends than partners.
Bet only on the resources and the intelligence of your team.
Avoid ideas that you can’t achieve without other people’s resources, at least until you can master the market in which you want to operate.
Create a brand. Build it.
You will gain and you will achieve things that, done a few years before, would not have been possible without investors.
There is no better feeling that constantly challenging with the “yourself” of the year before.
Samantha Lady Fur

I think my passion, or rather craze, for furs started during the first months of my life when someone gave me a fur blanket. I must have been about two. As a matter of fact I guarded this blanket that I called “tittì” made in lapin fur jealously until the age of ten. I never went to sleep without stroking it with my hands.
It was my grandmother, compulsive buyer of furs, who passed on all her knowlege. So much so that by the age of fifteen, in any furrier I went into, I could recognize all the different types of furs.
It amazed everyone. I could distinguish a fox fur from a mink or a sable extremely easily. I had all colours of beret to match with the furs that mum and granny gave me in Christmas. In this post I explain in detail how my passion came about.
To pay for my studies I also worked as sales assistant in some furriers in Turin and even as assistant tailor, modelist and machinist in some fur laboratories dotted around Liguria, Milan and Turin.
Then, thank God, my mum got engaged to a furrier.
If you are in the sector you can attend specialization courses in auction houses.
I had been dreaming day and night for years of doing a course in Kopenhagen Fur and Saga Furs.
So I attended the fur courses, actually several courses, at Kopenhagen Fur and Saga Furs, the two most important auction houses of the fur sector and it changed my life.
I was always looking for photos showing past and present furs. There was no information on the web. The websites I found were institutional, boring, old associations…That was at the end of 2012.
Vogue leather closed.
So I decided to create WeLoveFur, the first and only blog in the world dedicated to the fur sector. In reality, the blog talks about my life: Lady Fur in the fur sector.
It was a brave decision. At the time I had a permanent job: I was working in a fashion house. In the evening I started attending a course by the Region to become an entrepreneur. I made a business plan for the blog and obtained the support of the Region. And my adventure started. I moved to Milan and started working with many brands. Mainly abroad North Europa, America and China. Then I got sponsorship from leading companies in the sector that believed in my business idea.
On WeLoveFur, you will find my videos from industry fairs like Chic Shanghai, the International Fur Salon MIFUR, the fairs of Athens and Kastoria, Hong Kong Fur Fair, Mode Shanghai (I won’t list them all here, so this post doesn’t get too long). However here you can see all my fur world section
Welovefur the first and unique blog in the world of fur founded by Lady Fur
WeLoveFur is the first and only independent blog in the world dedicated to the life of Samantha De Revziis (Lady Fur) in the luxury and fur sector.
Welovefur is the Olympus of fur! On this fur blog you will find resources, tools, interviews, on every subject connected to the world of fur. We are the biggest community on the web sign up to our group on facebook
On you will find
In the FUR WORLD section
- Fake fur is not organic
- Eco- sustainability
- Tanning Chromo |||
- Advice on where to buy furs
- How to sell your old fur coat
- How to treat and maintain furs
- Tanning of bio furs
- The best tanneries and producers
- Interviews with brokers
- Interviews with operators of the fashion and fur sectors
- News on fur auctions, fairs and brands
- Fur techniques
- Guide to Fur World
- New techniques for working fur skins
- Sector news from fur and fashion insiders
- Posts written by Special Guests like come Mano Swartz the oldest furrier of America who recently published a booked entitled “To fur with love” available on Amazon with Lady Fur on the cover
- All need you know about Fur Vest
- Fake Furs
In the section MY FUR LOOKS
- Photos of looks worn by Samantha De Reviziis Lady Fur
- my diary during fashion weeks in New York, London, Milan, Paris, Shanghai, Copenhagen, Peking, Istanbul
- my meetings with many Designers, Fashion Fur Insiders, Celebrities
- Advice on how to treat furs and maintain them
- Advice on how to wear furs
- Mink furs
- Fox furs
- Lynx furs
- Sable furs
- Rabbit furs
- Fur vests
- Leather and fur
- Cashmere and fur
In the section VIDEO – YouTube, with over 1 million views. Here is the channel
You will find all the videos published in the last years in the world of fur and fashion video of:
- fur fairs
- mink farms
- fur auctions
- New York, London, Milan, Paris, Beijing, Shanghia, Turkey and Copenhagen fashion weeks
- of my holidays and personal projects
- interviews
- My collection of soft toys made in rabbit fur
Target and data of WeLoveFur
WeLoveFur is a niche blog, for lovers of the fur sector, who can count on a very specific target of readers: men and women from 35 years up with strong purchasing power for luxury goods, lovers of the fur world who come mainly from Central North Europe, Canada, the United States, Asia, Russia and Arab countries.
The B2B target is primarily composed of buyers, fashion and fur brands, and professionals in the fashion, fur, and luxury sectors. counts 10,000 unique visitors a month.
About 3,000 people are signed up for the Italian newsletter. counts 25.000 unique visits a month, and 30.000 people are signed up for the newsletter.
If you are interested to know something more on Samantha follow her on instagram @samantha 100k she will reply fast as she loves to chat in Ig
If you want more information regarding press releases click on press. (more than 100 magazines have spoken about us)
If you want information regarding the services we offer you can contact us at or click on the link of our Consulting Agency.