miami beach lady fur 2015 photos

As you know my blog is dedicated to the fur sector. I love telling you about my experiences at fur auctions, fur trade fairs like Kastoria or Mifur, during fashion shows or sharing interviews to fur designers with you.

Posts like this, without fur or information regarding my beloved sector, are a pure hobby. I hope you like them anyway. But I DO have some information regarding furs in hot places!

To who has asked me via email if furs are sold in Miami and if there are furriers the answer is YES!

The Miami multi brand luxury stores, both on Lincoln Road and Ocean Drive, display loads of fur in their windows.

In the morning, at about 8/9 while jogging on these two streets I peeked in the windows full of fox vests and mink fur. In the evening, returning there for  a walk with friends, I discovered with amazement that there weren’t any left. THEY HAD ALL ALREADY BEEN SOLD!

Because, as I always say, the luxury world knows no seasons. For example, in August on the French Riviera, loads of sable is sold. =) obviously not to Italians but to Arabs, Russians, French, Chinese…

In Milan, in these days, the Men’s fashion week in progress. Soon Alessandro Roccia will share a post dedicated to this week full of men’s furs.

miami beach lady fur foto

Look di Lady Fur : Abito Aimo Richly

Foto : Steffen Cherry

Post Production : Umberto Gorra 

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