Saga Furs Auction House by Lady Fur ( the second video )

Saga Furs the video of my whole experience at the fur auction more near to fashion

This Saga Furs video documentary where I describe how the auction works. I could have spent hours and hours describing also the inspection day, but the video would have become too long.

The main thing to tell you is that Saga Furs is a very important auction not only for the sale of fox furs  (which are the best in the world)  but also for its long history.

“100 years of activity, 100 years of history!”

75 years for the auction, 25 for the design center. It shouldn’t be overlooked the fact that this great organization is perennially in contact with the farmers, brokers and companies and fashion labels in the sector.

This is the reason why everyone related to fashion, luxury and fur congregates 4 times per year at Saga Furs to acquire furs and why they pay such close attention to the collection that the design center proposes each year.

I must deeply thank the entire team of this amazing family for their help in preparing this video.

For the first time ever I will stop myself and let the video do the talking.

Regarding the Design Center, situated in an enchanting place surrounded by nature just north of Copenhagen, I will describe it in detail in the future.



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  • Lady fur, questo video è bellissimo! Sono stata con gli occhi incollati tutto il tempo, avete risposto a tante mie curiosità!

  • Hello everyone I have never been very interested in fur world but since you started doing this video i feel like I NEED to know. Loved it!

  • It is good to have this information Samantha.

    At just after one minute in the video, Mr Kalle Ranta explains that in the near future practically all farms which send furs to Saga Furs will be certified, which will mean that the furs are known to be responsibly and ethically sourced.

    This seems to be great news for people who love fur, but have been deterred by all of the stories alleging, and occasional videos depicting, extreme cruelty to animals.

    Will there be some sort of 'kitemarking' system in place, with independent checking, so that people wishing to buy fur garments can be sure that the clothes have been created wholly from  ethical and responsible sources?

    Thanks for all the hard work in helping to bring this information to light.

  • Sam

    Another fab and highly informative video. I adore finding out more about the technical aspects of fur. I just loved seeing the images from the Saga Furs warehouse. You looked so at home there! All those skins lined up were just an amazing site. I loved the blue for the man was showing you the downy layer just looked so thick and cosy! Exactly what I want for my fox stole… when I eventually find anyone in the UK or in Europe who will sell ready to wear ones with the head and tail!

    Hope you'll follow me on instagram… my friend Sandy and I just cant stop talking about your web site and your posts. We both just love our furs!

    Gail xxx


  • Video super interessante. Non potevo certo immaginare, e credo di essere in buona compagnia , che dietro alla pelliccia che indosso ci potesse essere addirittura un'asta. Non che pensassi che le pelli  si trovano  al mercato, ma un'asta di questa portata era molto lontana dalla mia immaginazione. Grazie per avermi fatto conoscere questo mondo così affascinante. E un plauso anche all'impegno che metti nel tuo lavoro che traspare da ogni tuo post. Persevera. 🙂

  • Tutto è sorprendente in questo video! Le pelli di volpe che ti sembra di poter toccare, le lavorazioni inimmaginabili ma soprattutto i capi di pelliccia che hai indossato. Quando si dice pelliccia si pensa sempre al mantello classico o al massino ad una giacca o ad un bolero.

    Quello che indossi nella parte finale è veramente una favola.

    Un bacio 

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