Sailor Moon and her magic

sailormoon, lady fur,
My dear fur lovers I am living a magical moment. What is happening to me at work seems pure magic. Have I been too much abosorbed by the character Sailor Moon? #poteredicristallodiluna

My dear fur lovers

I am living a magical moment.

What is happening to me at work seems pure magic. Have I been too much abosorbed by the character Sailor Moon? #poteredicristallodiluna

As many of you know I am a big fan of Sailor Moon. A few weeks ago the new episodes came out and I am not missing one, even if I have to watch it at night, given that both during the day and at night I am working as if there were no tomorrow. Will I go on holiday? I am not sure but what I do know is that all the sacrifices I am making are being repaid =)

In the photos I am wearing a outfit I bought from one of my favourite online shops ( you can alsoo find lots of furs ) It’s really worth chceking out.

See you soon!

Miao Miao Lady Fur

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