Signore in pelliccia 1940 1990 Anna Municchi Il Novecento Storie di Moda

fur book

Finally the most awaited book has arrived ! Women in fur from 1940 to 1990, by Anna Municchi

This is the only book I found that talks about the story of fur fashion in Europe and even beyond.

I suggest you to buy it.


Inside you’ll find the story of woman fur’s fashion from the Forties – when the women used to wear fur made with cheap fur, for warming themselves up rather than showing off) – to the Nineties.
The transformation of the fur, of its use, of the work and techniques of breeders, tanners, cutters, tailors engaged in makin it lighter, bright, donating, seductive, soft …sovereign.
This useful book is out of print. I found it after a deep search on Ebay.
fur-book-signore-in-pelliccia-3 fur-book
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