The mutations of foxes at Saga Furs

My Dear Fur Lovers (& Fox Lovers),

Finally, I am sharing with you the video shot in Saga Furs dedicated to the mutations of foxes.

All fashion designers desire them, and every year the auction of Saga Furs during March is the most important for these skins.

But guys, do you know what are the mutations of foxes? If you would like to know more about this argument, read the interview that I did to Per Reinkidle, who is the Head of Production Development and the Sales Department of Saga Furs.

LF = Lady Fur

SF = Saga Furs

LF: Explain in simple wording what is fox mutation?

SF: Mutation is a natural exception in the habitus of the animal. Simply, suddenly just one or more whelps are of different colour for a reason, we don’t know. Then, by studying the genetical background of the mutation and breeding different mutations together or with the main types, we learn to utilize the mutation to produce the kind of foxes we want.

However, in a litter of mutations (=mutation used in pairing), there are normally whelps of different types. So, for example, you cannot predict in advance that you’re going to produce xxx number of skins, of this or that type of mutation, because you cannot always know the exact proportion of different mutations in the litters.

For example, a pairing of Arctic Marble fox X Shadow fox gives approximately 25% of Bluesilver, Shadowsilver, Arctic Marble Frost and Shadow Marble each.


LF: Why do fashion designers love mutation foxes?

SF: Uniqueness, Designers like the unique color, as well as the hair length of mutation foxes.


LF: Which kind of mutation fox is the most popular?

SF: This season, the brown and grey color types are the most popular.


LF: Does Saga Furs sell the mutation fox only during the March auction?

SF: Mutations are mainly sold during the March auction. Lower qualities also in September.


LF: How many types of fox mutations has Saga Furs presented this year, and how many does Saga Furs usually present every year?

SF: If by “presenting” you mean introducing totally new mutations to the market, then that is something that cannot be planned in advance.

They can not be fabricated according to a plan. During the past 10 years, about three new mutations have been introduced. There are about a good dozen of mutations types that are of some commercial importance. In addition to actual mutations there are also cross breeds of silver fox and blue fox (like Blue Frost fox) which add variation to the assortment.


This experience was highly education and as always deeply moving and unique.

Thank you to Saga Furs, as well as the entire team.

Lady Fur

Video Made by SDRsrl Team: MF, Mattia Guolo, Timo Raatikainen

Location: Saga Furs

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