The One Milano 2018 an everlasting plan
The One Milano, the union of Mifur – the international fur salon – and Mipap – the Prét â Porter fair – it was a strategic move, and the plan came together.
The results of The One Milano come from great ability for renewal that few other fairs in the fur and fashion sector have had the courage to face or succeeded in their intent.
The third edition of TheOneMilano took place from the 26th to the 28th of February at Fieramilanocity, the best known fair centre in the world for Italian haut-à-porter.
I know Mifur very well. I have participated since 2011. I have been to Mifur
as a visitor (I looked forward to Mifur more than the fashion week),
as exhibitor when I had my fur brand, as influencer and then as brand Ambassador of the fair.
I grew up with the Fair, with the team at the Fair and, even if at the beginning it was hard, everyone always believed in me.
They helped me, supported me, provided useful information that I needed to build my blog and motivated me to always give my best.
I want to thank Elena Salvaneschi General Secretary of The One Milano and Roberto Scarpella for having allowed me to do all this.
I made friends with many exhibitors, buyers and visitors. It can seem banal but for me working with The One Milano was a great joy.
I have many projects, those that follow me know, I go around the fashion capitals four times a year, I am often in Doha, Shanghai and Copenhagen working on incredible projects.
there’s a but
TheOneMilano is one of those projects that I do with heart and passion.
The One Milano was held right during the Fashion Week.
As I also cover the shows, all the shows and the events of the fashion week I would have had to practically clone myself.
During TheOneMilano 2018 I didn’t care about missing shows or events because for me the thing that counted most was being there,
being able to say hello to many fashion exhibitor friends like Stefano De Lellis or Bruno Carlo, seeing the new collections of the exhibiting brands and their growth, to then pass to my favourite pavillion, the fur one, where I met brands that I am really tied to like Kopenhagen Fur, Saga Furs, Manzoni 24, MIB, Avanti Furs, Di Cara, Gianfranco Ferré, Padova Furs, Bun, Tosato, Lacompel, Grandi, Magnani, Mala Matì, Micillo, Pajaro, Rindi, Di Carlo, Punto and many others … I met loads of my followers. I made some great memories that I will always keep close to my heart.
TheOneMilano 2018 some extra information
TheOneMilano is a very important event, originating from the meeting of Mipap, or the pret-à-porter salon of Fiera Milano and Mifur, or rather the international fur and leather saloon.
The third edition of The One Milano produced exceptional numbers. In fact TheOneMilano took place in an area of about 15,500 square meters, inside which as many as 269 companies (140 Italian and 129 foreign) could exhibit their creations to 12,000 buyers from all over the world.
So during this extraordinary event there was an important meeting between producing companies and buyers, that had the opportunity to establish stable and long-lasting commercial relationships.
At TheOneMilano this year there were important changes, that were explained in detail in an interview of the daily “Il Sole 24 Ore” with the General Secretary of The One Milano: Elena Salvaneschi.
Starting with the term “One” as name. The General Secretary affirmed that the name had been chosen to highligt the uniqueness of this event in offering high quality prêt-à-porter garments in terms of the use of raw materials and type of effect.
Elena Salvaneschi then precised that another revolution of this edition was dividing this event into four fundamental sections, that became the heart and soul of the event.
Specifically the four pillars of TheOne 2018 were: #TheOneIdentity, #TheOneShowroom, #TheOneOriginal e #TheOneFureleather.
#TheOneIdentity was the area of the fair where the best of contemporary luxury was displayed, not only in terms of price, but also and above all as far as the quality of the proposed products was concerned.
#TheOneShowroom represented the real important innovation of TheOne 2018: the most important Milanese showrooms exhibited their creations. They thus showed how reunited in the same event they represent a real fundamental system.
Thanks to their collaboration it was possible to bring in buyers from all over the world, that are fundamental for the development of sector fashion. Among the brands present: Elisa Gaito, Zappieri Milano and Style Council.
#TheOneOriginal is an elite shop window for the industries that work in the textile sector. It represented an important commercial link between Italian companies and the international market.
#TheOneFureleather welcomed the most important brands of fur and skins. Moreover inside this area young emerging talents were given the opportunity to exhibit, thanks to the collaboration with the IED of Milan and the Fashion and Costume Academy of Rome.
The new trends area was taken care of by the IFDA (Italian Fashion Design Academy) coordinated by the founder and Head Daniele Carlo Maria Fittole.
Throughout TheOneMilano 2018 there were also important events: The Italian Fashion Night or rather a show of the most important barnds of the fair sponsored by Kopenhagen Fur starring fur that took place at the end of the first day of the fair; Remix or rather an international competition with young deigners from all over the world.
In the video I am wearing a fur from Lacompel by Andrea Landi, a reversible blue mink. Soon I will publish a post dedicated to this fur that I like so much.
Watch the videos of the past editions.
Mifur 2016 plus the photos of my stand here
Mifur 2015 plus the Italian Fur Night
Remember to visit TheOneMilano web site
Hi dear,
Loving all about this post as always, warm greetings!!
Much love,
Hadasah Love ||