Thinking …

Lady Fur in Monte Carlo wearing lippi fur coat

Hi Dear Fur Lovers,

In these days I’m thinking about a proposal that I got a few days ago. Do you like my new lippi coat?

For the moment I can’t tell you anything about, it is a little secret.

When I’m confused I use to go alone wrapped in my lippi fur coat, in the middle of nature as mountains or, as in this case, the sea.

Follow me on Instagram, as I will be sharing a lot of photos about my experience at the Kastoria Fur Fair, click here.

lippi-fur_coat_montecarlo_welovefurlippi furcoat_lynx_spotted_lady_fur_in_monacofish_blue_sea_montecarlocarlo_ramello_fur_coatmonaco_principato lynx_fur_coat_lady_fur_welovefurgreenthinking_fur_coat

Lippi Fur Coat: Carlo Ramello

Photo: Alessandra Soldo

Location: Monte Carlo

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