I’m at Kopenhagen Fur Auction House.
While I was repeating this phrase ‘twenty-five million skins, I got goose bumps on my own skin!
Matteo was shooting me and I started the Kopenhagen fur grading system that I will publish today, saying: TWENTY-FIVE MILLION SKINS. Do you have any idea how many that is? It’s a difficult number to quantify and imagine. Well, I haven’t seen them all but nearly!
I went all around the auction (Kopenhagen Fur auction is mega gigantic) on a scooter accompanied by Søren, who, with loads of enthusiasm and passion, showed me even the “secret” rooms telling me about the GREAT job there is behind every single fur. YOU CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE IT. TRUST ME.
These photos are just a small preview. I can’t wait to publish the video: tomorrow, Saturday morning at the latest. IT WILL BE SUPER COOL. MAYBE ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS I HAVE MADE IN MY LIFE.
A small hint about how an auction works for those who don’t know:
The Kopenhagen Fur auction receives furs from the farmers.
Let’s talk about mink: there are several types (black nad white, spotted, frosted, cinammon colour etc), look at this video where Lune will show you some.
Then the auction separates the furs by type,sex (male or female), then by size, color, clarity, hair length and quality.
Very expensive machines and super advanced technology recognises the skins, the type, the quality, the size, the color,the hair length and differentiates them, then the Kopenhagen Fur team does a last check personally analyzing every single fur and subdividing them again.
The next operation is creating lots, groups of skins of the same quality, colour and type that during the first days of the auction will be proposed to the brokers, those who will then buy the furs during the auction.
During inspection days the brokers analyze them, marking the numbers of the lots they would like to buy on the catalogue and then during the days of the auction, will go ahead and buy them. For example if they choose LOT NUMBER 118 FEMALE PALOMINO and they are beating that lot in that moment, the brokers will try to buy it at the lowest possible price. Unfortunately if lots of them like the lot the price will certainly go up and in the auction the words UP UP UP will be heard, meaning that the price is rising.
The auction will finish when all the lots have been beaten. Then Kopenahgen Fur will start to prepare the fur orders.
The task of dividing the furs is given to the machines that will attach a bar code to each fur, package them ready to be stored in a big cold warehouse where they will remain until the day of departure. Incredibly, also loading them on the vans which will forward the merchandise to Hong Kong or who knows where, is the task of extrememly sophisticated machines. Naturally behind all this there will always be man’s supervision but is scary to see what technology can do today.
There would be much more to tell.

When I publish the video I will show you better and in more detail. . .
Leather Dress : Drome / Leather shoes : Superga
P: MT MUA: Timo Raatikainen
Don’t miss the post dedicated to mink farm
That is an amazing story and pics, 25 million is absolutely astonishing ! It must have been so amazing to visit such a warehouse, what a dream come true. I loved the pic of you in your favorite area clad in skins and leaning against all those wonderful furs. A very glamorous shot and the look on your face says it all :))
Hello Samantha, wonderful pics and a good fur harvest! You seem to be not only LADY FUR but also the QUEEN OF SKINS (25 millions skins)!
Kisses and love to you and happy easter!
That is creepy!
Thank you for this post Samantha. Just thinking about 25 million skins gives me goosebumps too. Bless you.
che meraviglia con 25 milioni di pelli di visoni si possono fare circa 500 mila pellicce per soddisfare il piacere di altrettante donne
Wow! I found this post a bit late. However the numbers are impressing. We also deal in massive distribution but mainly in chinchilla pelts. Come and visit our site http://chinchilla-fur.com – the gallery sections shows thousands of skins. Premium quality pelts.