Vintage white fur coat

lady fur white fur coat snow prali 2017

Photos of white vintage fur from 1990

Granny’s white fur? White mink nineties jacket? 

You have got to be kidding me!  

It’s nearly all yellow! 

That was how my aunt reacted when I decided to borrow my grandmother’s white mink, abandoned in a wardrobe in the mountains. According to her,

I get attached to furs!

Yes, even my  relation’s ones.

I find this fur beautiful, in fact I am even going to wear it for the fashion weeks.

I am looking for vintage furs to wear for the fashion weeks. I would like wolf or fox in natural colours.

If you have ideas write to me.

As you know my boyfriend is a photographer so we made the most of the opportunity of being in the mountains to take some photos for my blog dedicated to the fur world.

I hope you like them.

White fur coat research

My favourites pieces are of MiuMiu made in Orylag, so soft and bon ton.

The photos with my white fur coat – Italian mountain December 2017

In the photos, I’m wearing

a new Chanel fur hat made with fox

the vintage white fur coat of my granny a piece of 1990

Levis blue jeans customized by myself with pink mink fur

a 100% cachemire knitwear with fox frost

MonnBoot boots


Lady Fur

Photos: Matteo Volta  

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